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Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Using DIY Battle Ropes In Your Home Fitness Routine


Enter WILD & WANTON HARBINGER RINGS!! Although haven t always been training for years, watching my father train for decades, I finally had the time to work on my BOURNALS. This made for an awesome experience for both of us, and I'll get into the details of that in a minute. But first, let's look at how these battle ropes actually work, and why you should consider adding one to your gym routine.


DIY Battle ropes are one of the most unique forms of fitness equipment I have ever seen. While they look like a silly piece of fun fitness equipment, their main function is to provide resistance during cardio workouts. In addition to this, you can add weight to these little workouts to increase strength as well. For example, if you have an intense strength workout, adding some dumbbells or weight with the battle ropes will really work your upper body, and help you build incredible core strength too! They are great for people who are looking to add a little "fitness kick" into their workouts.


To make this even better, using a two-foot loop system instead of the typical three makes this particular workout much more intense. To do the workout, all you do is fill the bottom of the battle rope with sand (the thicker, the better) and then tie the loose end of the rope to the sand. Then just wrap the loose end around the closest part of your midsection, and just pull the rope until the weight of the sand makes the rope stick out straight. The closer the hand gets to your midsection, the harder and stronger you get pushed back. To add more weight, you can add weight to the top of the diy battle ropes (the heavier the better) and do the workout again.


If you find yourself pressed for time while trying to fit in your workouts into your day, then these awesome fitness tools are the answer! Use these DIY battle ropes for a ton of different workouts and you will never run out of ways to use them! As mentioned, they can be used for lots of different upper body workouts as well, but the most common use is for targeting specific muscles in the legs. For example, you can target your hips, glutes, quads, calves, abs, and so on. If you're looking to build up your chest, you can do bench presses, pushups, dips, and shoulder presses with the strength of these unique pieces of equipment.


The key to doing a killer workout with your DIY battle ropes is to add weight from time to time. Once you get used to carrying the extra weight, you will start to feel like you have more energy and are able to do more push-ups or bench presses. You can also add more depth to your workouts by adding an anchor to the bottom of the diy Battle Ropes. Anchor one end of the rope to a chair or bench, or just use any stable object that will support the weight of the entire rope. This way you can change the angle of your workout and add even more variety to your workouts each time!


To change the angle of the DIY battle rope, simply tape one end of the rope to a chair or other stable object, then unfold the other end of the rope and attach an anchor. You may also want to tape both ends of the rope together as well. That way if you need to adjust the direction of the battle rope, all you have to do is take the rope off the anchors, clip it to something sturdy, and then tape in the new angle. You can also add weight to the bottom of the DIY ropes to make them more challenging to perform the swings.


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